Saturday, February 23, 2013

Thin Mint Brownies

Girl Scout cookie season has exploded all over my dining room table. It's hard to not eat them all myself - especially the Thin Mints. The Girl Scouts got smart and added recipes to their website that use the cookies. I made the Thin Mint brownies.

Thin Mint Brownies

1 sleeve (1/2 the package) of Thin Mints
1 brownie mix
2 eggs
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup oil

Preheat oven according to brownie mix.
Place thin mints in a plastic bag and crush them using the back or a spoon.
Mix all ingredients together (1 ended up using 1/4 cup more oil and 1 more egg than the mix called for - these totals are reflected above).
Bake as directed.

These were a hit! The thin mints didn't add an overpowering mint flavor, just a really subtle hint of mint. I'll make then again - as long as I have thin mints left on my table!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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